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  • Writer's pictureEleanor Norman

A Tale of True Love - Real Bride Izzy

Allow me to share a tale of boundless love intertwined with opulent bridal experiences!

My bride and her fiance, whose paths crossed during their time at Clare College in the heart of Cambridge, were certain that this was the perfect location to commemorate their love story. Embracing the profound significance of a Jewish ceremony, she envisioned herself elegantly making her way from the Graduate Hotel to Clare College.

Set against the enduring history and breathtaking architectural marvels of Cambridge, our aim was to immortalise each moment flawlessly. With this in mind, we personally accompanied our stunning bride, carefully making sure everything was set in place.

Imagine this...

Envision the setting: A masterful touch, opulence at every turn, and a VIP experience that imbued every instant with a fairytale-like aura. Collaborating with the queen of hollywood waves Katrina Kelly Wedding Hair and photographer's Lina and Tom, adding a final flourish of elegance before the commencement of the ceremony.

This encapsulates the essence of a bridal odyssey enveloped in sophistication and grandeur. Each step, every intricate detail, meticulously crafted to transform dreams into reality.

Looking for that unmatched attention to detail?

If you're seeking an added touch of refinement for your memorable day, reach out to me through the details below. Discover how I can offer my assistance to bring your envisioned look to life.

Ellie x

The incredible team behind this special day:

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